
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My name is Baylee, and I am NOT an alcoholic.

I realized the statement in my last post may have raised some alarm with people who aren't around me all of the time. Yes, I have been sober for 5wks. Yes, society has conditioned us that when the word sober is paired with a length of time, it automatically means "ALCOHOLIC."  However, sober simply means "not drunk" or "not under the influence of mind altering substances such as alcohol, drugs, etc." So, leaving the stigma behind, yes I have been sober for 5wks (and 1 day) now. I have had plenty of opportunities to drink, but I haven't. I've even been offered alcohol by friends who know I have chosen to stop drinking, but I said no. I've chosen to keep track of the time for me. For the moments I try to tell myself, "It isn't that big of a deal. You can have just one drink," I can look and see that I've already put 5wks of work into it. Yes, that is a big deal, and no, I don't want to ruin that.

Do I consider myself an alcoholic? No. I don't. And here is why, (according to the medical definition of alcoholism):

-My body has never been chemically dependent upon alcohol. (Meaning, my body did not go through alcohol withdrawal when I stopped drinking.)
-I never showed up to work drunk, nor did I even drink every night for that matter.
-I did not experience social or health problems directly influenced from alcohol intake. (I'm sure it didn't help my health, but my health issues were pre-existing to any alcohol consumption on my part.)

Did I have unhealthy drinking patterns? Yes. I did. And I am admitting that to you all now for accountability. Alcohol was something I used to go to when I was stressed, or depressed. Many people go to food, cigarettes, promiscuity...I chose alcohol. I could drink to make myself sleepy, I could drink to make video games funnier, or I could drink to slow my brain down to keep from being extremely anxious about uncomfortable/stressful situations. Basically I used it to not have to experience life as it really was.

Yes. I realize alcohol mostly, if not completely nullifies the purpose of my anti-depressant. But it worked Right. Then. I'm sure anyone who smokes or used to smoke cigarettes can empathize with me. 

Was I wrong for depending on alochol to handle my emotions rather than dealing with them directly myself? Yes. Not only is it unhealthy for my body, it is unhealthy for me psychologically. It not only fed my addictive personality, it allowed me to avoid dealing with uncomfortable situations. It allowed me to run away. 

This new portion of my life is all about facing my demons/ghosts/fears...whatever you want to call them. I realize if I never face these issues, however small or big they already are, they will only continue to get bigger and eventually explode, causing yet another traumatic, dramatic experience in my life.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'm doing everything I can Right. Now. to break my old, unhealthy patterns that kept me in a continuous spiral over the past several years. Sometimes I will mess up, and some of this process is going to be rough as I figure out what works for me. But the most important part is that I've realized the "error of my ways" and I'm taking the steps to correct the behavior patterns. That, my friends, is what matters most to me. I ask for your support in this, but regardless of your support, I'm doing this for me so that I may be a better friend, daughter, wife, and some day mother.

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