
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Insurance Companies are Communists

There is not nice way to say this:

My insurance company sucks. I have had nothing but trouble over the past two years since I started seeking treatment/diagnosis/etc. First it was my Chiropractor. God Bless him for helping us in spite of the crap my insurance pulled. I called them over and over and fought with them on the wording in the plan description. I consulted other people who had more experience with insurance lingo. Yet, the answer they gave me was, "It depends on how its interpreted."

SERIOUSLY!?! So what they were really saying was, "Well, today I feel like interpreting it so it says I'm going to leave you hanging with $1000's of bills even though we said we'd cover it at first."

Yep. Super awesome.

When I got hooked up with my Rheumatologist, I thought things were going alright. We had a very clear expectation of how much of the quarterly visits would be covered, plus all of the tests/x-rays/prescriptions that would be required during my diagnosis period. It still cost us a bit of money, but we made it work. We have finally gotten into a rhythm with my doctors visits and pain management plan is working (mostly), and I feel better than I've felt in a long while. HOORAY! This is the ultimate goal of any chronic pain survivor!

Well go ahead and just smash that little happy bubble. A few days ago I received notification that as of January 1st, my insurance company is no longer going to cover my Cymbalta. For those of you who aren't as familiar with all of the different meds used to manage Fibro, Cymbalta is in a class of medications called selective SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors). It is used to treat Depression, Anxiety, pain from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Low Back Pain, Osteoarthritis pain, and nerve pain from Diabetes. 

Cymbalta works differently for everyone, but for me personally it has been an AMAZING help. I have been on several different anti-depressants throughout my life, and from a psychiatric standpoint, Cymbalta has worked the best. (My husband and mother will attest to this too!) 

Some of you may be thinking, "Why don't you just ask for the generic?" or "Why don't you just switch to something else?"

It isn't that easy. Cymbalta has no generic available. It is extremely expensive. WITH my insurance, I was paying close to $50 for a 30day supply. WITHOUT my insurance, it will now be impossible for us to afford it. 

How much is it without insurance? <Drumroll>

$220 for a 30day supply. (For context, that's more than my car payment.) 

Needless to say, I'm going to have to change meds. Again. 

Let me tell you, transitioning from one anti-depressant to another is NOT a happy fun time. You have to be weened off of one completely before starting the new one. For me, my sensory overload gets put on over-drive, my (emotional) nerves freak out, and in general, I am just NOT fun to be around. High-strung and crazy is an under-statement. Or at least that's how I feel like I am during the transition.

So....I'm extremely fearful of the transition...and I'm especially fearful that whatever medication I get put on will not work as well as the Cymbalta does. 

So there you have it. Insurance Companies are Communists.


  1. Oh my goodness, that's awful! When I went off Savella it was nightmare, and I went off it really slowly. I can't believe your insurance company is doing that to you. I hate insurance companies.


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