
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Liebster Award

Hello all!

Today I received notification from a really awesome person, Kathryn H., that I've been nominated for a Liebster Award. (Go check out Kathryn H.'s blog!

Part of accepting the nomination is to do the following:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog. (Please see above.)
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  • Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
  • Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or fewer followers to nominate and include links to their blogs.
  • Go to each blogger’s page and let them know you have nominated them.

  • So, here we go...

    11 Random Things about Yours Truly

    1. In High School I taught private piano, violin, and saxophone lessons and dance lessons.
    2. I can sing in front of thousands, but I'm terrified to play piano in front of anyone, even though I've been doing both the same amount of time (22yrs).
    3. I'm TERRIFIED of spiders.
    4. I collect Pandas.
    5. I'm 1/8 Cherokee Indian, but you'd never know it because I look more like Casper the Friendly Ghost.
    6. I love bird art (mostly silhouettes and prints), but I'm scared to death of the actual animal.
    7. My ears are extremely ticklish and I hate to have them touched.
    8. Elephants are my second favorite animal, (Panda's being first).
    9. I would be what you'd consider a Geek. I love video games, table top games, RPG's, cos-play, get the idea.
    10. My mom is my best friend.
    11. I have the attention span of a...oh look a shiny! 

    11 Questions given to me by Kathryn H. (

    1.          Why is your blog named what it is? 
    I named my blog Fibro vs Life because that is what I feel my every day goal is. Me vs Fibromyalgia. This blog is journey of working through the pre-diagnosis up until now where I am in the "maintaining" the symptoms. (Heh.)
    2.         What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?
    I met the love of my life. AND I got to marry him. (Sorry, had to be mushy gushy for a second.)
    3.         Do you have any animals in your life, if so who/what how many?
    I have one dog named Lucy. She is a Chocolate Lab/Corgi mix. This dog is my heart and my child. I love her to pieces!!!
    4.         If you were given 1 million pounds what would you do with it?
    Well, 1 million pounds wouldn't do much for me here in the US... but if I had a million dollars (and wasn't singing the Bare Naked Ladies song)...props if you got the reference...I would pay off mine and my husband's debt, our family's debt, buy us a house, buy our parent's houses, then set up a trust fund for my children's education, then invest the rest for retirement.
    5.         Do you have any hobbies?
    I like to paint with acrylics, (although I'm not super awesome at it.) I also enjoy reading when I have the time. My most recent series is the Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher. 
    6.         What is your best ever holiday and is there anywhere you HAVE to visit one day?
    The best vacation I've taken so far was the tour I took with my collegiate choir to Italy. It was such an amazing opportunity that I probably would never have gotten otherwise! My husband and I have several places on our list to visit, but one that is a MUST is Disney World. He's been there a million times, but I've yet to have a true Disney experience.
    7.         Why do you write a blog and what keeps you going?
    I write my blog in hopes of comforting others going through similar chronic illness issues, to educate those who have never heard of Fibromyalgia or may not understand how a chronic illness works, and I also use it as a therapeutic tool for myself. Life keeps me going. Things never stop happening, so there's always something to write about! 
    8.         Do you have a Facebook page?
    Yes! However, my Facebook page is set to Super-Private Mode. If you'd like to friend me though just leave me a comment and I'll be happy to add you!
    9.         Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
    Let's 10years I will be just about to turn 36. (Oy.) I hope to have one or two children, own a home of my own, be closer to my parents, and hopefully I will have started, if not finished my master's degree.
    10.       Who is your favourite famous person and why?
    This is a hard one...I have a different favorite famous person every other day. (Can I name a superhero? No? Ok.) How about Walt Disney. He created most of my childhood, so that's pretty awesome. But also if you've ever seen inspirational quotes by WD, he was an extremely intelligent, beautiful person. 
    11.       If you like art share your favourite painting, or share your favourite song if more music orientated.
    Since I'm in a choral mood tonight, I'll say Samuel Barber's vocal arrangement of Agnus Dei. It gave me chills every time I performed it, and it still gives me chills every time I listen to it. 
    11 Questions for my Nominees to answer:
    1. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
    2. Do you have any animals, if so how many and what are their names?
    3. What are your hobbies?
    4. Who is the most influential person in your life?
    5. Who/What inspired you to write your blog?
    6. If you could visit anywhere in the world and money was no option, where would you go?
    7. If you could go back in time and witness any historical event, which would you choose and why?
    8. Which 5 celebrities/famous people (dead or alive) would you invite over for a dinner party?
    9. Ninja's or Pirates, and why?
    10. If you could go back and change any one decision in history, which would you choose?
    11. What is your favorite movie?
    My 11 Nominee's (I'm not sure how to see how many followers anyone has...)
    And there you have it! Viola!!!!!

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